Khand Baudhik Toli Baithak & Prashikshan
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Khand Baudhik Toli is made of:
- Khand Baudhik Pramukh
- Each Valay Baudhik Pramukh
Khanda Baudhik Toli Baithak Apekshit:
- Khand Baudhik Toli
- Optional: Khanda Karyavah, Sharireek Pramukh, Vyavastha Pramukh
When to have Khand Baudhik Toli Baithak:
- Last week of the month
Suggested duration of Khand Baudhik Toli Baithak:
- 1.30h
What to do in Khand Baudhik Toli Baithak/Prashikshan:
- Open with geet of running month
- Note Apekshit/Upasthit
- Sameeksha of previous month
- Share Khand pravas yojana
- Do abhyasa of next month geet
- Preparation of Charcha points
- Preparation of Katha points
- Preparation of Khand (Baudhik) Prashikshan Varg
- Close with next Baithak date, place and shanti mantra