Sangh Reeti Neeti

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Just like how a family has a tradition, In Sangha few traditions and ways of work have evolved. We refer to these as the Reeti and Neeti of Sangha. A tradition might not require rules. But an organizational work assumes certain significance for a set of guidelines. A tradition generally builds upon experiences. Generations after generations, it is taken forward by the Karyakartas just like members in case of a family. Therefore understanding the Sangha Reeti Neeti and taking it forward is the utmost responsibility of a swayamsevak. Let us look at some of the salient features:

  • Tattva Nishta above Vyakti Nishta.
  • Sangha is a family based organization. We move about accordingly in Sangha work.
  • Suddha Sattvika Prema Apna kaam ka aadhar hai.
  • Soft and respectful way of communicating. (The example of Pu. Balasaheb Ji’s conversation in jail during Emergency)
  • Discussion always about positive qualities of a person. Discuss any mistake with adhikaris.
  • Modest Dressing and food habits.
  • Time Discipline.
  • Unshakable confidence in Swadesi.
  • Karyakram Rooprekha (Shaili). Time Discipline, Not clapping, Not leaving during the programme, No Smoking, Atidhi Devo Bhava.
  • Being part and parcel of the ups and down in society that we are. Compassion, Generosity and sharing the pain and happiness.
  • An eye on the grandness of Vyavastha. Avoiding extremes.
  • Silent way of imparting Samskaras. One to one with Karyakartas.
  • Individual Opinion, Collective Decision – Respecting the final decision. The decision is not that of one but ours.
  • Avoiding individual fame and show off in one’s life.
  • Treating even the desire of adhikaris as aagnya.
  • Shraddha, faith on sangha work.
  • The work given to us to be completed under any circumstances.