Baudhik Vibhag FAQs

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What does "Planned" mean?

  1. Fix the person well ahead of time. At least 5 days.
  2. Help the person prepare.
  3. Inquire and understand the (right) preparation of the person.

What if there is no planned 20 min activity?

Do what is possible of:

  1. Geet Abhyasa/Memorisation
  2. Subhashita Abhyasa/Memorisation
  3. Prarthana Uccharan/Swar Abhyasa

Do not conduct spontaneous Vaarta Sameeksha/Baudhik/Charcha.

What is the role of a Pravasi Karyakarta?

Some of the responsibility can be said to be

  • Attend baithak where you are apekshit without fail
  • Conduct baithak of your toli
  • Plan and Conduct Prasikshan
  • Build a strong toli, develop strong bond in the toli
  • Do chintan for the development of your toli